Re: Stacks

"Even a long human life adds up to only about 650,000 hours" is now installed at Dunedin Public Art Gallery.  As it has every other time, Dunedin pulled out all stops for making a visiting artist feel welcome: great and kind people, glorious weather, accommodating art institutions, and the new addition of most excellent doughnuts!

P.S. Thanks, Bon Ivor, for providing the installation day's eponymous ear-worm.


It's a great experience having your work written about in an interesting and thoughtful way; it's also a great honour to be invited to write for someone else about their work.  I've had the very great pleasure to have both experiences over the past few months. 

Simon Gennard's beautiful essay Lovesong for Carmen Hermosillo was written for Something felt, something shared and is available as a PDF from the Enjoy website: click here!

And the swell gals from Elbowroom invited me to write an essay on their exhibition and event Concoction.  The essay, titled Neighbouring Concerns (Concoction and the Beehive) formed part of a publication about Concoction, was produced with the support of, and is available at, Enjoy.  Click here for Elbowroom's website.

EyeContact Review: Remembered Space and Psychic Residues

Thanks, Hana Aoake, for the lovely review about Something Felt, Something Shared at Enjoy Public Art Gallery.

Here's a little bit of it: "The process of documenting this space made me think of her body creating these rubbings, the emptying of the rooms and fragments of memory one experiences in different spaces, especially in locations we inhabit daily for long periods of time."

Click here to read the full review on EyeContact.

Standing Room Only: At and On

What a great start to Something Felt, Something Shared!  Following a busy opening (standing room only), Radio New Zealand featured Kalya Ward's and my work on its arts programme Standing Room Only.  In an interview and written article, Sonia Sly discussed our "experiences and personal connections with [our] former homes".  Pretty cool to briefly take over the airwaves.

Click here to go listen to and read about Something Felt, Something Shared on Radio NZ's website.

Click here to see more photos of the opening, taken by Andrew Matautia.

Photo by Andrew Matautia and taken at Enjoy Public Art Gallery

Photo by Andrew Matautia and taken at Enjoy Public Art Gallery

Something felt, something shared

Nearly a month to the day after moving to Wellington, I'm so excited to be hitting the capital's ground running with participation in a group show at Enjoy Public Art Gallery.  Something felt, something shared is curated by Emma Ng, includes artists Ruby Joy Eade, Clare McLean and Kalya Ward, and is open May 7th to May 30th.  Come and check it out!  And then come visit Mr. and I in our Wellington tree-house, drink some tea and watch some tui.