Mason's Sceen | Slow and mournfully; slow and sad; slow and solemnly

If you find yourself perambulating around Wellington's inner city this month, my video Slow and mournfully; slow and sad; slow and solemnly is showing on Mason's Screen from August 11th to September 8th.  Supported by the Wellington City Council and programmed by CIRCUIT Artist Film and Video Aotearoa New Zealand, this 24 hour video screen is located on Mason's Lane, just off Lambton Quay.  

My work, Slow and mournfully; slow and sad; slow and solemnly, takes a single performance of a piece of music and split into two parts.  The pianist plays through Eric Satie’s Gymnopedies (no. 1 - 3) three times consecutively, first using only one hand, and then the other. The resulting recordings were afterwards combined.  Although the pianist initially keeps her timing, eventually the impossibility of splitting her performance takes its toll; the music becomes mistimed, occasionally to the point of discordant plinking.